Category: In The News


If Teachers Were Doctors …..

The other night I watched an interesting news program profiling a doctor who writes out prescriptions for exercise to many of his patients. He writes out what they should do every day and like medicine, expects it to be done and completed just like we...


Saying NO (more)

May 1st has come and gone but how many of us teachers really challenged our students to learn about the place and importance of “the working class” in our teaching?  How many of us challenged students to think about how we get the things we...


Is “Long form” dead?

A number of recent events have had this question swirling around in my head. First and foremost, the recent ELT Blog Carnival I hosted and promoted. Not too many entries and not a lot of interest from those I emailed about it. “Too busy” everyone...


Reformation not reform

Last week I watched the “Reinvent Learning” roundtable with Howard Reingold. As I walked and ran on my treadmill (got in a good 14 k), I listened to the pronouncements of all the experts about what is happening or should happen in education right now....


Opening up our schools

The one thing I have always wished about school – that it was a marketplace of ideas/learning where all in the community could come and go as they please. A doors open, windows blowing fresh air through policy. This is far from how it works....


Linguistic Chauvinism

I just finished watching my daily hour of PBS news and I’m irate. Sometimes American insularity and small mindedness is cute and amusing (as De Tocqueville imagined) but sometimes it isn’t. Listening to a Republican senator ramble on about how “English First” is what true...


Commencement. Commencing What?

Tomorrow my students are graduating with their B.Ed. There will be the usual big ceremony, the speeches, the dinner and so on and so on….. Each year over and over like a giant gristmill. I’m happy with my students. So happy. Also very proud of...


Sell On Facebook

This blog post is a follow up on my recent post “Disrupting ELT: ebooks“.  I’m really keen on the new possibilities web 2.0 and technologies have for “the little guy”, us practicing teachers. We can now share and produce our own materials quite easily. This...


Let’s give the gift of a click

As many of you might know, I returned “home” to Canada, the north of Canada this year. After years spent wandering the globe teaching, decided to be in one place, with family and friends. The transition has gone better than I expected. Love spending time...


Don’t Vote For Me!

I’ll leave it at that. This “voting” season count me, count EFL Classroom 2.o out. Please read my post from last year or “The Competitive Side of Schooling“. I used to rush for acclaim but now I think it is better we just collaborate and...


The next blog carnival – FUN!

EFL Classroom 2.0 will be hosting the next blog carnival, Jan. 01!  The theme for this blog carnival is FUN. Submit any blog post, past or present, that really exhibits the power and potential of FUN in the classroom. It’s a great chance to share...


Dancing to the pied “textbook” piper

I spent a few hours looking at the conference offerings this coming fall. Something I’m used to doing and invigorated by – I’m energized by the pursuit of knowledge and no better place than a conference, a meeting of minds. Yet, this usually vitalizing activity...


The 4 Freedoms – Richard Stallman

I’ve written quite a bit here about copyright and control of knowledge through larger entities. One place to start is my “Captive Mind” series.  My attempt to publish my own previously published work and to stop institutions from having for perpetuity, control over knowledge. Finally,...


Teach | Learn “techbook” updated

I’ve again updated the book. Lots of additional multi media links/materials. As well, added some extra printables (the back of the book is loaded with them.) Get it here.     You can also get the book AND all the other ebooks/resources by becoming an EFL Classroom...


The 5Ws focused lesson

Using the journalistic technique of the 5W questions is really effective for any listening / reading activity. Students can read or listen to  the news item or story and then write out the 5 questions that would cover the story. They can then quiz each other for...