Category: Prof. Development


Earth Day – April 22

Earth. It is such an important concept and relationship for students. A must to use in our curriculum, I don’t care what you teach. Take the opportunity to do something with your class this Earth Day, this spring! Revel in the gift that she gives,...


Controversial Quotes In ELT

I recently came across this  blog post about Six highly provocative quotes in ELT, from the 6 things blog.  So I thought I’d highlight these sparkling quotes again but also add my own to compliment. A challenge to my own linguistic soul. I love a...


2 Way Tasks

Two way tasks are the staple activity of the communicative approach. Also known as an “information gap” activity, they force students to communicate with each other in order to retrieve information to complete a task. Usually these tasks involve students with different sets of information, usually...


Imagine…. (a poem about school)

Imagine a classroom where there is no teaching                                                      only learning. Imagine a classroom where there is no leader only...


April Mid-Month Community Updates

They say April is the cruelest month. Not here on our community, its been a great “spring” flourish of resources to help teachers. Find below some of the most recent resources available. I’ve also been asked  by a few members to host a webinar about...


Sharing your “Teacher Self”

A bit of a reflective post today while I pack and then head off to TESOL Toronto. Looking forward to seeing many “teaching friends”. It’s put me in a contemplative mood, about my journey as an educator. About saying who we are as teachers and...


7 Laws Of Teaching

This year marks the 130th anniversary of  John Milton Gregory’s influential (at its time) statement about what teaching and learning fundamentally is – The 7 Laws Of Teaching. Do you agree that they still apply to today’s classroom and schooling?  Which are true and which have...


School’s Out Forever

I’m still plugging away on my book, tentatively titled “School’s Out Forever” – a play on the famous cry of the immortal Alice Cooper, “School’s Out For Summer“. My idea is to think fresh, think anew and have a grasp that exceed’s my reach. To...


EFL 2.0 Feb. Updates

There has been a lot of new things posted for members this month so far. Here are just a few of them. If you missed the February newsletter, find it here.  Also the recent edition of our online news magazine. 1.  Friends Furever.  You’ll love...


Teacher Burnout & Stress

One of my goals this coming school year is to be more personal in my writing/blogging. I know I am guilty of sharing precious little about myself. I pontificate, philosophize, condemn, encourage but in that, I share little of “who I am”. I don’t want...


So You Want To Be A Teacher?

A poem speaking to some things inherent in great teachers. This remix is in memory of Charles Bukowski. 1920 – 1994.     — We miss you.   if it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don’t do it. unless it comes...


January 2015 Mid Month Updates

It’s that time of the month – time for a few basic updates about our community. I’ll be using these updates to provide members with information about some of the many fantastic resources available on the community. 1.  New Resources! * Get our 2015 Calendars *...


Why Do I Blog?

“I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts, and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life.” ― George Orwell, Why I Write...


50 Ways Lists

The “50” lists created over the last year have been a huge hit with teachers. So happy to know that these simple ideas are being used in classrooms everywhere. That’s what web 2.0 is all about. I thought it would be great to list them...


Stories from the trenches: The Creative Teacher

Over the years, spending time with thousands of new or budding teachers – I’ve thought and thought and thought about the major factors that make a “great teacher”.   It’s not an easy thing to pin down, given that there are so many different teaching...


Not just playing a part

I’ve been working on a new post this weekend, a reflection on my own development as a teacher and all the footprints that truly led me to where I am right now. Something for myself but which other teachers might find some truth therein. I’m...


Stories from the trenches 4

This story comes from my time teaching at Bloor and Bay, 5th floor, N.E tower – Language Connections International. I was teaching new immigrants to Canada part of the day, foreign students the other half. Small classrooms with one wall all windows facing busy Bloor...


Standardized Learning

One conclusion I’ve come to after years teaching – testing and assessment are poorly used as a way for students to learn. This is curious and unfortunate because students for the most part DO get motivated and energized through tests and quizzes. The pickle is,...


Keeping going …..

Today, went out for a nice bike ride with “my old man”. He’s almost 70 and he kicked my butt! Truly. I’ll admit I’m not in great shape anymore but watching my dad, “power in” the last 20 k of our ride, me lagging behind...