Tagged: course


The Death Of “Native Speakerism”

I just finished speaking in Brazil on the topic of a level playing field for all English language teachers – regardless of their passport, their L1, their color or accent.  A look both into the wide spread and institutional “neo-racism” (as Adrian Holiday calls it)...


Courses – New and Improved

Over the holidays, I worked hard to update and improve and then launch 2 new and improved courses.  The Basic TESOL Certificate course and a reflective teaching course – Zen and the Act of Teaching. The certificate course is paid. Very low price, lifetime access to...


Free TEFL Course

I’ve long had the idea that there should be a very basic, low cost, online course for TESOL. For teachers around the world who need to think again about their teaching or especially for new teachers heading abroad without much idea of how to teach...