Tagged: drawing


Funny Door Mats

I’m a big fan of drawing in the EFL Classroom 2.0.  Last night, my parents related a story about a neighbors door mat (pictured). I immediately thought “LESSON!”, so here it is. It would be great for students to make / draw their own door mats...


The #1 … (“funnest” game in ELT)

** Not your ordinary, endless list – just what’s number 1.               Draw My Thing I’ve written about this game every time I’ve posted about drawing in the classroom. However, it is much more than a drawing game. Think...


Making a Doodle Video with your Class

Doodle songs/videos are a great activity you can do with your class! They really promote contextualized learning and motivate students because you have a final product and of course – there is music!  They are the perfect example of SCC or Student Created Content. I...

Making a Difference. Art and Peace in our schools. 0

Making a Difference. Art and Peace in our schools.

As you probably know – I have really tried to share Peace online through Project Peace. I’ve also collected lots of great videos for supporting, teaching peace with our students. So important. Today, I watched again, an amazing video about a simple man, Derek Houston,...