Why did you leave home to teach?

travel This morning during my usual coffee and book – came across the above quote. It really got me thinking about the reasons many EFL teachers (or others), pack their bags and leave home behind.

It is relatively easier to “take off” these days. Not so much isolation, faster travel, the world is getting smaller. Still, it is a big decision to leave the comfort of your own culture, community, your family and friends. Not to mention time lost working your way up the “job ladder”.

I have packed up a number of times, each for different reasons. The first time, fresh out of teacher’s college, the main reason was to get into a classroom, any classroom. The teaching job market was tough in Canada, so I headed first out to British Columbia. Same situation there, so it was off to the heady and velvety times of the Czech Republic.

The second time, I went overseas “to meet honorable men”. I loved Europe, especially the people I’d befriended. I wanted to meet others and grow as a person, thinker.

The last time I went overseas was to Korea. To be honest, there were many reasons. I was an established teacher but tired, very tired. So I have to say I went to “leave my troubles”. It worked out and the change and challenge renewed me.

I’d love to know the reasons others have “left home”? Are they one of the 5 above or are there other reasons/considerations?

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.”
– Henry Miller

If you enjoyed this post – you might enjoy, “The Itinerant Language Teacher”

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Teacher trainer, technology specialist, educational thinker...creator of EFL Classroom 2.0, a social networking site for thousands of EFL / ESL teachers and students around the world.

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