Category: Technology


On Praxis: Making teaching “real”

“Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world.” – Johanne Wolfgang von Goethe How do we take our teaching to the next step? From mere classroom activity and into the wide, open...


The 4 Freedoms – Richard Stallman

I’ve written quite a bit here about copyright and control of knowledge through larger entities. One place to start is my “Captive Mind” series.  My attempt to publish my own previously published work and to stop institutions from having for perpetuity, control over knowledge. Finally,...


The new “way” forward

Sometimes one is surprised by how life conspires to throw things into your path. In doing so, you just have to trip over them, notice them and come upon a clearer view and vision of “the way” and what is there. I’ve been training teachers...


The Future of the “Tech”book

The past few weeks, I’ve been mulling over the future of “the book”. In particular, the textbook and even more precisely the ELT textbook. Probably been thinking about this because I’m busy every day making books (and I use “make” deliberately – authors these days...


Supporting “Teacher Publishers”

I’ve been shining my light into the future and acting on my beliefs regarding teachers writing and publishing their own books – both ebooks and POD “real” books. I think it is the future and a much better model – giving more voice to our...


Let’s toss out technology and talk media

I’ve been following the various ELT blog posts on technology the past few months. Quite aghast at the level of a) fear about technology b) misconception about what “tech” is c) belief that technology is either good or bad. What I would propose is that...


Kinetic Typography for teaching English

The last 3 weeks, when I could spare a moment, I’ve been learning how to make a Kinetic Typography style video.   I think this technology offers great “power” for contextualizing and presenting language for learners.   For a long number of years – I’ve...


Technologic IT

I love Daft Punk! See some really innovative stuff done by teachers using their music. This one will be no exception. I already got creative with it. It teaches verbs connected to technology so well! (and verbs are the flypaper of language – have a...


Using Technology to teach Speaking

I recorded my talk at the recent KOTESOL National Conference – Getting Students Speaking: Harnessing the Power of New Technologies. It’s a pretty comprehensive overview of online tools and technologies. Here’s the presentation of only the websites (click the images to go to that website)....


Old vs New Tech

My sister just threw out her 25 year old fridge. Time for a new one. Time for the new and out with the old (my poor niece is suffering!). Technology is not a recent thing. Nor are the “rapid” changes we are experiencing. (and see...


The “Flipped” Classroom

This video opens the door to the actual practice of the flipped instructional model. (not a language classroom but think of what it would mean for one). A very interesting way to think of “teaching”. Basically, it means for ELT that the heavy lifting, the...


Mucking About

I’ve been reflecting a lot on my own “creativity” regarding ELT and education in general. Probably because I’m starting into a new project and direction (stay tuned). Over the last 5-6 years, I’ve dived into many projects. I’ve reveled in the possibility that a little...


The Future of Learning II

The future of teaching is learning. This is an addendum to my last post – The future of learning. Just watched this now 3 year old presentation – A Manifesto for Learning. I think it appropriate, given what the last 3 years have presented to...


Make 3 wishes….

I really believe in the power of faith. Long ago, I remember reading C.S. Lewis’ poignant, “The Problem with Pain” and noting his wonderful philosophy of simply acting as if something were true. That if we pretend the world is so, it might just become...


The Future of Learning

I have written and pounded the pulpit long and hard on the issue of teachers “getting out of the way”.  Ranted and pleaded with teachers to be more inductive in their approach, more sandbox about the learning environment. No greater compliment to my own constructivist...

Cue Prompter and 1

Cue Prompter and

Today, two quick tips of two very innovative and adaptable tools. The Cue Prompter and Listen/Watch as I show you them and suggest some uses. Get the dialogues mentioned HERE. Hat tip to @russeltarr for the tip about the prompter!


My Year in Review

Yes, that time again.  Time for all the “reviews” of what happened in 2010.  Time for all the pundits to come out of the closet and do their thing. I won’t bore you by doing much the same. However, I do think that those new...


The alive and the online

This evening, I went out to the local symphony’s Christmas Concert.  A wonderful gathering of many in this small city.  They played the score for the Christmas film – The Snowman by Peter Briggs.  Plus lots of carols and they had the whole audience singing...

Public and Free LMS 0

Public and Free LMS

Efront, our language learning management system has been tested and is up and running! Fully live. I’ll be holding courses there after my move, later this fall. I hope members will sign up to my courses in TESOL and also Educational Technology. But feel free...

eTeaching – What works for you? 12

eTeaching – What works for you?

This next year, I’ll be setting up my own eTeaching system and doing online teacher training. Mostly out of interest and to see if I can do it. As part of that process, I’m presently setting up my own audio/video eteaching suite. And since I’m...