Tagged: coursebook


100 Top Youtube Videos For Teaching English

I have decades of experience using video in the classroom. From this experience ’twas born this list of the top 100 Youtube videos to use to teach English. Not a definitive list in the sense of being “scientific” but I rank these videos based on...


Updated: Teach | Learn Coursebook

My Teach | Learn coursebook has been and is being used in hundreds of classrooms. So happy to get emails from teachers and to promote OER (open educational resources). It’s been a wonderful success. I sold 200 in the first week and that paid for...


Teach | Learn “techbook” updated

I’ve again updated the book. Lots of additional multi media links/materials. As well, added some extra printables (the back of the book is loaded with them.) Get it here.     You can also get the book AND all the other ebooks/resources by becoming an EFL Classroom...


On and Off (line) materials

Part of my job as a materials developer and consultant involves thinking through the role, purpose and process of combining online and offline learning. How do you link what physically happens in the class with what is possible online? Where are the borders? How to...


Teach | Learn example lesson

Last week I wrote about a forthcoming course book that I am publishing – Teach | Learn. It will be out next week but thought it would be interesting to some, to see a sample lesson and to get a few thoughts about the delivery...


Textbook Talk – using SCC

I’m putting the finishing touches on my Teach – Learn:  Student Created Content coursebook. One of the basic principles (which are outlined in the book’s preface) is that the students practice language using language that comes from their own “selves”. The big textbook companies have...


Teach – Learn Coursebook coming soon….

In the new year, I’ll be offering for download/purchase my coursebook – Teach / Learn. It is the result of over 20 years of teaching and testing and based on a methodology that I’m convinced works. Works for teachers – they can focus on student’s...


SCC coursebook updated sample

Here is a sample of the SCC (student created content) coursebook that I will be publishing this December. I’ll be posting my lead in forward, detailing specifically my beliefs about SCC and why it is a new, essential methodology for ELT, especially given the new...