Tagged: sharing


Sharing Yourself (Online)

As a teacher trainer, one of the things I have trainees do many times, is to reflect on themselves, their personal qualities and their accomplishments. Just this little bit of reflection sets a teacher on more solid ground from which to progress. You can do...


There is no longer any “normal” – disrupting ELT

I’m all about ‘disruption” (to borrow Clayton Christensen’s term) and think this is the most potent role that technology plays in our society. A disrupter thinks small and keeps moving.   Large companies/groups are about sustaining and normalcy – the small can dress up in...


The 4 Freedoms – Richard Stallman

I’ve written quite a bit here about copyright and control of knowledge through larger entities. One place to start is my “Captive Mind” series.  My attempt to publish my own previously published work and to stop institutions from having for perpetuity, control over knowledge. Finally,...


We keep what we give

I’m a confirmed, addicted, “sharer”. Been that way for years and I’m sure its caused it share of incredulity. Many people just don’t operate on and of the same mental construct – believing as I do that knowledge is not something created nor owned. It...


Guest Posts….

I’m a true blue believer in “sharing”. Not just resources but also our own teaching ideas and experience. We all have something to share and add to the benefit of the wider community. Praxis > informed action or as I see it, “walking the talk”...