Tagged: tutorials


EFL 2.0 Gems: ELT and Tech

ELT and Tech is a wiki I use to detail all the tutorials I’ve created + references for using technology to teach language. I’m continually adding tutorials and updating the existing ones. Use the page links on the right, to navigate through the site. There...


Kinetic Typography for teaching English

The last 3 weeks, when I could spare a moment, I’ve been learning how to make a Kinetic Typography style video.   I think this technology offers great “power” for contextualizing and presenting language for learners.   For a long number of years – I’ve...

Want something taught? Ask a busy teacher! 5

Want something taught? Ask a busy teacher!

{just an update – Bill Gates recently caught onto Khan and gave him his endorsement. Also, like myself, calls for more “online” learning and taking the learning out of the 4 walls and into the great wide open. The following post appeared Dec. 09} I...