Tagged: delivery


My 5 Fav. Simple Ways To Use Video In Class

I hear often from teachers about how video is such a powerful media form to use in the English teaching classroom. But at the same time, I also hear how difficult it can be to actually design a full lesson based around a video(s). So...


It’s Not A Box – Synectics

[Read part 2 HERE] My university recently hosted the ICE (Imagination / Creativity / Education) Conference. Instead of giving a presentation and being all concerned with that – decided to join many of my student teachers and enjoy a day of attending the workshops and...


The “Flipped” Classroom

This video opens the door to the actual practice of the flipped instructional model. (not a language classroom but think of what it would mean for one). A very interesting way to think of “teaching”. Basically, it means for ELT that the heavy lifting, the...


In Praise of the “slow” classroom

If there is one piece of valuable advice that could fit almost ALL teachers – it would be to “S L O W D O W N!” One area of course is in terms of speaking speed. Teachers need to let students process language and...