The Present: A lesson plan
I discovered this short video through my PLN today and immediately knew I had to make a lesson plan for it. Thank you my FB teacher friends, it’s a gem.
The video is a simple story and here is my simple way to use it in class.
[Now get the new and improved lesson materials HERE]
1. Play the video and stop at 2:40. Ask the students what they think will happen next. Discuss.
[I like first just watching, enjoying a video together. Learning doesn’t have to be all work, no play. It’s great in most cases with short video, to let students first “have a go”, take an inductive teaching approach. Students appreciate this.]
2. Give students the sentence strips. Ask them to cut them up. In pairs/groups, ask the students to put them in order.
3. Watch the video again and students can check their answers/order. At the end, read the correct sequence as a class.
4. Students complete the one page worksheet. Take up the answers and share their simple sentence about what the video taught them.
Extension: Use this cartoon version. Have the students rewrite it or just read it.
Many different ways to use this in class – mine is just one of them! Enjoy this beautiful message. Ok, now time for me to get outside!
Get all the hundreds of video lessons with resources on ELT Buzz – see the list HERE.
Interesting lesson!!!