Tagged: awards


ELT Golden Raspberry Awards

Well, it is that season again. You know the one – the one where everyone is tweeting and posting about all the “best” bloggers (their online buddies) and posting all their little badges on their blogs. Yes, that time of year – Award Time. I...


Don’t Vote For Me!

I’ll leave it at that. This “voting” season count me, count EFL Classroom 2.o out. Please read my post from last year or “The Competitive Side of Schooling“. I used to rush for acclaim but now I think it is better we just collaborate and...


On the shoulders of regular Joe teachers

These few words today are in thanks to all those I’ve learned from. The thousands of teachers I’ve trained and spoken with, the thousands of teachers sharing online and who’ve I’ve “nudged mouses” with, the many teachers I’ve had the pleasure of joining in their...


Edublog Awards – My thoughts.

I’m a competitive person so this post is REALLY hard for me. I’m the kind of guy who will compete to see who can stand on one leg the longest. I’m hyper competitive and work hard because I love doing so but also because of...