Tagged: lessons


Best “Love” Video Lessons

It’s Valentine’s time and a great opportunity to do a lesson about “love”. Actually, any time of the year is a good opportunity to fashion a lesson on this universal theme! Here below are my most highly recommended video lessons (with materials) about “love”.  Please...


Symmetry – a great video vocabulary lesson

Symmetry is an outstanding video to teach basic vocabulary to English language learners. Plus, the important related concept of “symmetry”.  One example of the hundreds of video based lessons with materials available to EFL Classroom 2.0 members. See a list here. This video has been...


5 Favorite & Fabulous Video Based Lessons

As a language teacher, I love video!  Students do too, so it’s a happy class when a video is being used. I’ve pounded the pulpit before on the benefits for video in the language learning classroom.  See my Using Video In The Classroom Guide Book as...


Video: Going To Pieces

I’ve long been a big fan of using video creatively in the classroom. My work with speech recognition and EnglishCentral proves that. However, I have a long history of not only making 100s of video based traditional lessons (see Lessons In A Can for EFL...


Simple Tasks For Teaching

Recently on the EFL Classroom 2.0 blog, I posted 3 lists of 50 tasks that teachers can use in their teaching – asking students to do them and “practice” language, the skill that is language speaking/reading/writing/listening. Surprised to death at how popular these lists were!...


Keeping the ideas flowing….

I think that the godhead, the soul, the core of the new technology paradigm is “the pipeline of ideas”. We now have the ability to correspond, share, connect, learn with, learn from, engage so many, all over the world. This is truly revolutionary and changing...


It’s Not A Box – Synectics

[Read part 2 HERE] My university recently hosted the ICE (Imagination / Creativity / Education) Conference. Instead of giving a presentation and being all concerned with that – decided to join many of my student teachers and enjoy a day of attending the workshops and...


Bests Posts 2010-2011

I’d like to share as the year comes to a close – My best “Teaching Advice” blog posts. Also, my best “Practical Teaching Posts”. [Next – I’ll outline the Best posts about “Language”. ] Note: all posts link to the EFL Classroom 2.0 blog which...


Guessing Games

A short post about a very BIG topic – Guessing. Along with prediction, it is a very important skill in any English teachers arsenal and one that can be used with great effectiveness. Last night, was visiting this amazing site – Children’s Books Online: The...


Teaching with a blank piece of paper

Even now, this late in the day, a blank sheet of paper holds the greatest excitement there is for me — more promising than a silver cloud, and prettier than a red wagon. – E.B. White I’ve just returned from “a return” to nature. Hiked...


Teachers helping Teachers

Sorry to keep returning to talk about my course book – Teach | Learn. However, I want to mention a few things and make a request. I put a lot of work into this book – mostly to prove a few things. A) A teacher...


CDLP – a wonderful adult listening site

CDLP – The California Distance Learning Project, is one of the many governmental sites leading the way towards free online learning resources. It doesn’t have a lot of “flash” but it has an abundance of semi authentic materials with audio and extra vocabulary study. Excellent...

Lessons in a Can – The Class of 2010 0

Lessons in a Can – The Class of 2010

[Yes, Lessons in a Can is back . So many teachers thanked me and I’m overwhelmed by how often they’ve been used. So I’ll be compiling them again starting from #104] I love current events in the classroom.  The two go well together and so led...

Lessons in a Can ebook 3

Lessons in a Can ebook

Lessons in a Can – the directory and catalogue of 100s of lessons, all with resources, is finally updated! I’ve worked hard and please find it in a handy pdf to carry about or in this nice ebook. Let others know about the wonderful resources...


The Spirit of Education

The holiday season is here and I thought I’d take the opportunity to speak openly about something that has been bothering me for a long time – the selling of lessons/materials for teaching, online. I want to speak openly and strongly while reminding our community...


The #1 ……(textbook lesson)

** Not your ordinary, endless list – just what’s number 1. Nosy Neighbors – Jill Hadfield, “Elementary Communication Games!” This is in response to Lindsay Clandfield’s recent “6 things” blog post about textbooks. He has nice lists but I still think they are too long!...


Teaching Writing – Activities and Ideas

“Writing is a way of talking without being interrupted.” — Jules Renard “ideas to get your students’ pencils moving” View an updated version of this article HERE.  Download this post | Writing Resources |  ELT Buzz Writing is and isn’t an easy thing to do in...

What makes a good teacher, “good”? 0

What makes a good teacher, “good”?

The inestimable Jermey Harmer has been recently reviewing this immortal topic as he travels the world and collects his paycheck for all the years of hard work he’s put in.  Here is a very much younger Jeremy Harmer discussing the same subject, nice dialogue. Also, I...