45 Search results

For the term "conference".

The main reason for P.D.

This morning spent some time reading and thinking about professional development for teachers. It’s an important issue – especially these days with the public demanding we root out “bad” teachers and set up systems of evaluating teachers. Most good educational systems ask teachers to (even...


Extensive Watching

The last few years, I’ve been very focused on the role and possibility of video in the classroom. Thus, my recent work developing Gif Lingua and EnglishCentral and my focus on the potential of a “Flipped Classroom“. I had an interesting skype discussion with Dan...


The new “way” forward

Sometimes one is surprised by how life conspires to throw things into your path. In doing so, you just have to trip over them, notice them and come upon a clearer view and vision of “the way” and what is there. I’ve been training teachers...


The Video Teaching Revolution

My work over the years has brought me into thinking heavily about the role of video in language instruction.  I saw its power as a university T.A. – tramping around the campus showing heavy “reels” of film to mesmerized classes. I wouldn’t go so far...


Using Technology to teach Speaking

I recorded my talk at the recent KOTESOL National Conference – Getting Students Speaking: Harnessing the Power of New Technologies. It’s a pretty comprehensive overview of online tools and technologies. Here’s the presentation of only the websites (click the images to go to that website)....


Present.me – fabulous!

Present.me is a real cool, “new” way to share your teaching online. It is simple and effective. I’ve been testing it out and it works like a charm! A really exciting tool. What is it? It is just a simple power point set beside a...


Mucking About

I’ve been reflecting a lot on my own “creativity” regarding ELT and education in general. Probably because I’m starting into a new project and direction (stay tuned). Over the last 5-6 years, I’ve dived into many projects. I’ve reveled in the possibility that a little...

Learning a language 0

Learning a language

This video is raw, raw and real. Meaning, to me it speaks on many levels (both good and bad) because it is from the heart, the belly and the brain – because it has spirit and eyes and emotion. We need more of this type...


Then and Now…….

“Where is the life we have lost in living?” – T.S. Eliot As a teacher trainer and workshopper, I have had the honor and pleasure to interact with a lot of new teachers over the last  10 or so years. Energizing and invigorating. One thing...


The Blues, New Orleans, TESOL

I’m just on my way home from a great conference in New Orleans. Refreshed by many conversations with fellow teachers (but have lost my voice!). The small talk and conversations were even more important than any of the presentations I attended or gave. Really and...


Teachers helping Teachers

Sorry to keep returning to talk about my course book – Teach | Learn. However, I want to mention a few things and make a request. I put a lot of work into this book – mostly to prove a few things. A) A teacher...


On Brevity

The age of twitter and FB stimulation, is upon us. Quickness, brevity. Nobody take “the time” any more. It’s all about me or more to the point, “give me”. Talked with someone while testing my conference rooms this morning. He mentioned my blog posts are...

2 automated translation tools 0

2 automated translation tools

Today’s ELT chat was about using translation in the classroom. I joined in late but the tweeting reminded me of two very “solid” automated translation tools for students and teachers. 1. The Oddcast Translation bot Limited to 250 characters, it is still very powerful. Type...


My Year in Review

Yes, that time again.  Time for all the “reviews” of what happened in 2010.  Time for all the pundits to come out of the closet and do their thing. I won’t bore you by doing much the same. However, I do think that those new...


TEFL Non – Stick Teaching

I stumbled upon Alex Case’s old blog post, “25 ways to get away with being a crap English teacher”. Insightful list that I could add to. However, I’d rather focus on the positive so I thought I’d address the question posed in one of the...


English teaching activites using a textbook

Andrew Finch will be speaking at this weekend’s KOTESOL conference in Seoul, Korea. He’s done wonders for promoting humanistic teaching and student centered (cooperative) learning. I’ve long advised teachers to purchase his book “Tell Me More” , full of great activities. Get a sample of...


Reflective Teaching

I’m a big fan of reflective teaching and use it extensively in my teacher training programs. Especially reflective writing / journal writing. There is something about the act of writing in this way, that makes one intimate with oneself (as Schon, the grandfather of this...

Twitter – Love it / Hate it! 14

Twitter – Love it / Hate it!

Okay, it has been 6+ months (and 1,200 tweets later)  that I’ve been on twitter and prompted by a discussion I had with my  Practicum students about this medium (I was urging them to form/make their own PLN) – I have to speak out. I...


The #1……(way to formally assess students)

** Not your ordinary, endless list – just what’s number 1. The Rubric! The rubric is a very transparent and accountable way to assess students. It is a grid where you clearly show students “what criteria they will be assessed by” and “what levels or...